Source code for eumap.datasets.eo.s2mosaic.mosaic_maker

    import importlib.resources as pkg_resources
except ImportError:
    # Try backported to PY<37 `importlib_resources`.
    import importlib_resources as pkg_resources

from typing import List
from munch import Munch
import rasterio as rio
import rasterio.warp
import rasterio.transform
from rasterio.enums import Resampling

import numpy as np
from pathlib import Path
import pandas, geopandas
import boto3, botocore
import multiprocessing as mp
import time
import traceback
import concurrent.futures
import pygeos
import tqdm
import itertools as it

from .mosaic_helper import GridSystem, tprint, ttprint, ThreadGeneratorLazy, ProcessGeneratorLazy
from .speedups import distance_to_lines, cr2xy, cr2xy_v2, cr2xy_v4
from .speedups import orbit_average, mosaic_final_weight, mosaic_final_weight_v1, _update_mask_or
from . import _dist_data

fld = Path(__file__).resolve().parent

def _read_tiles_lazy(args, chunk_size):
    chunks = map(lambda x: it.islice(args, x, x+chunk_size), range(0, len(args), chunk_size))
    with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
        results = zip(args, 
                      it.chain.from_iterable(map(lambda x:, x), 
        return results

def _read_tile_worker(args):
    mm, row, landmask = args

    infile = mm.get_input_file(row.fn)

    with as src:
        vrt_options = { 'resampling': mm.resampling,
            'crs': mm.dst_crs,
            'transform': row.dst_transform,
            'height': row.dst_height,
            'width': row.dst_width,
            #'src_nodata': src.nodata,
            'add_alpha': False
        with rio.vrt.WarpedVRT(src, **vrt_options) as vrt:
            # vrt = rio.vrt.WarpedVRT(src, **vrt_options)
            # add 10% of pixel around becouse of rounding errors
            round_err = 0.0 #self.dxy/4.0
            xl, yl, xu, yu = row.dst_bounds
            dst_window = vrt.window(xl-round_err, yl-round_err, xu+round_err, yu+round_err)
            dst_window = dst_window.round_offsets(pixel_precision=1).round_lengths(pixel_precision=1)

            #tprint('    read data and mask')
            sdata =,window=dst_window)
            mask = vrt.read_masks(1, window=dst_window)!=0

    if landmask:            
        bounds =, row.dst_transform)
        with as src:
            sub_window_lc =*bounds, transform=src.transform)
            sub_window_lc = sub_window_lc.round_lengths(pixel_precision=1).round_offsets(pixel_precision=1)
            if abs(sub_window_lc.width - dst_window.width) == 1:
                sub_window_lc.width = dst_window.width
            if abs(sub_window_lc.height - dst_window.height) == 1:
                sub_window_lc.height = dst_window.height
            lc_mask = src.read_masks(1, window = sub_window_lc, boundless=True) != 0
            lc_data =, window = sub_window_lc, boundless=True)
            mask = mask & lc_mask & (lc_data>0)

    return sdata, mask

[docs]class MosaicMaker(): max_distance_from_orbit = 143000 landmask = None def __init__(self, nworkers = 1, dst_crs: str = '+proj=laea +lat_0=52 +lon_0=10 +x_0=4321000 +y_0=3210000 +ellps=GRS80 +units=m +no_defs', dxy: int = 30, align_xy: tuple = (900000, 5460010), tmp_folder:str=None, bucket:str=None, debug:bool =False, tiles:list=None): self.tmp_folder = tmp_folder self.nworkers = nworkers self.debug = debug self.tiles=tiles if bucket is not None: self.file_mode='s3' self.bucket = bucket else: self.file_mode='fs' self.dst_crs = dst_crs self.dxy = dxy self.align_xy = align_xy self.input_files = [] def align_transform(self, dst_transform): if self.align_xy is None: return dst_transform else: axoff, ayoff = self.align_xy ddxy = dst_transform.a xoff = round((dst_transform.xoff - axoff) / ddxy) * ddxy + axoff yoff = round((dst_transform.yoff - ayoff) / ddxy) * ddxy + ayoff dst_transform = rio.transform.from_origin( xoff, yoff, ddxy, ddxy ) return dst_transform def save_tif(self, data, out_file_name, out_profile, dst_type): if (self.file_mode=='fs') or self.debug: with,'w',**out_profile) as dst: dst.write(data.astype(dst_type), 1) else: tmp_file_name = Path(self.tmp_folder)/(Path(out_file_name).as_posix().replace('/','-')) print(tmp_file_name) with,'w',**out_profile) as dst: if np.dtype(dst_type)!=data.dtype: data = data.astype(dst_type) dst.write(data, 1) s3 = boto3.client('s3') s3.upload_file(tmp_file_name.as_posix(), self.bucket, Path(out_file_name).as_posix()) tmp_file_name.unlink() def save_tif_init(self, out_file_name, out_profile): self.out_file_name = out_file_name if (self.file_mode=='fs') or self.debug: self.dst_file =,'w',**out_profile) else: self.tmp_file_name = Path(self.tmp_folder)/(Path(out_file_name).as_posix().replace('/','-')) print(self.tmp_file_name) self.dst_file =,'w',**out_profile) def save_tif_update(self, data, window): self.dst_file.write(data, 1, window=window) def save_tif_finish(self): self.dst_file.close() if (self.file_mode != 'fs') and (not self.debug): s3 = boto3.client('s3') tprint(f'Uploading to {self.out_file_name} ... ',end='') s3.upload_file(self.tmp_file_name.as_posix(), self.bucket, Path(self.out_file_name).as_posix()) self.tmp_file_name.unlink() tprint(' Done.') def get_output_folder(self, output_folder): if self.file_mode=='fs': output_folder=Path(output_folder) Path.mkdir(output_folder, parents=True, exist_ok=True) return output_folder
[docs] def check_output_file(self, out_file_name): ''' Checks if file exists ''' if self.file_mode=='fs': return out_file_name.exists() else: try: #self.s3bucket.Object(out_file_name.as_posix()).load() boto3.resource('s3').Object(self.bucket, out_file_name.as_posix()).load() except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: if e.response['Error']['Code'] == "404": return False else: return True
def get_input_file(self, input_file): if self.file_mode=='fs': return input_file else: tmp_file_name = Path(self.tmp_folder)/input_file.replace('/','-') if not tmp_file_name.exists(): s3bucket = boto3.resource('s3').Bucket(self.bucket) s3bucket.download_file(input_file, tmp_file_name.as_posix()) if tmp_file_name.as_posix() not in self.input_files: self.input_files.append(tmp_file_name.as_posix()) return tmp_file_name def get_all_orbits(self, input_folder:str): if self.file_mode=='fs': input_folder=Path(input_folder) all_files = list(input_folder.glob(f'*.tif')) else: s3bucket = boto3.resource('s3').Bucket(self.bucket) all_files = (o.key for o in s3bucket.objects.filter(Prefix=input_folder)) orbits = {} for f in filter(lambda x: Path(x).suffix == '.tif', all_files): #print(f) tile, orbit = Path(f).with_suffix('').name.split('_') if self.tiles is None: orbits[orbit] = orbits.get(orbit,[]) + [f] elif tile in self.tiles: orbits[orbit] = orbits.get(orbit,[]) + [f] return orbits
[docs] def get_final_orbits(self, input_folder): ''' Finds all orbits and files for making final mosaic param: input_folder: Folder with orbits returns: Dict of names and files of orbits ''' if self.file_mode=='fs': input_folder = Path(input_folder) all_files = list(input_folder.glob(f'*.tif')) else: s3bucket = boto3.resource('s3').Bucket(self.bucket) all_files = (o.key for o in s3bucket.objects.filter(Prefix=input_folder)) orbits = dict([(Path(f).with_suffix('').name, Path(f).as_posix()) for f in all_files]) return orbits
[docs] def get_bbox_nodata(self, filename): ''' Finds bounding box, transform, width and height of tile in destination crs. Not depending on real data values. param: filename: Filename of tile image returns: dst_bbox: bounding box returns: dst_transform: transform returns: dst_height returns: dst_width ''' infile = self.get_input_file(filename) with as src: width = src.profile['width'] height = src.profile['height'] dst_transform, dst_width, dst_height = rio.warp.calculate_default_transform(, self.dst_crs, width, height, *src.bounds, resolution=self.dxy) dst_width=int(dst_width) dst_height=int(dst_height) # align transform to global dst_transform = self.align_transform(dst_transform) dst_bbox = rio.transform.array_bounds(dst_height, dst_width, dst_transform) return dst_bbox, dst_transform, dst_height, dst_width
[docs] def get_bbox(self, filename): ''' Finds bounding box, transform, width and height of tile in destination crs. Depends on real data values, i.e. ignores nodata value for calculating bounding box. Slow. param: filename: Filename of tile image returns: dst_bbox: bounding box returns: dst_transform: transform returns: dst_height returns: dst_width ''' infile = self.get_input_file(filename) with as src: mask = src.read_masks(1) data_window =, nodata=0) # Window cropped to DATA if (data_window.width==0) or (data_window.height==0): return None else: data_bounds =, src.transform) try: dst_transform, dst_width, dst_height = rio.warp.calculate_default_transform(, self.dst_crs, data_window.width, data_window.height, *data_bounds, resolution=self.dxy) dst_width=int(dst_width) dst_height=int(dst_height) # align transform to global dst_transform = self.align_transform(dst_transform) dst_bbox = rio.transform.array_bounds(dst_height, dst_width, dst_transform) except: return None #dst_width = 0 #dst_height = 0 #dst_transform = None #dst_bbox = None return dst_bbox, dst_transform, dst_height, dst_width
[docs] def get_extent(self, input_file_list:list): ''' Finds extent, transform and size of output mosaic params: input_file_list: List of input files returns: df: DataFrame with all files and their transforms returns: dst_left: left boundary of mosaic returns: dst_top: top boundary of mosaic returns: dst_right: right boundary of transform returns: dst_bottom: bottom boundary of mosdsaic ''' df = pandas.DataFrame({'fn':input_file_list}) df['dst_transform'] = pandas.Series(dtype=object) df['dst_bounds'] = pandas.Series(dtype=object) with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=self.nworkers) as executor: #ThreadPoolExecutor #ProcessPoolExecutor bboxes = x: self.get_bbox_nodata(x[1].fn), df.iterrows()) dst_left=None for (irow, row), bbox_result in zip(df.iterrows(), bboxes): # irow=0; row=df.loc[irow] if bbox_result is None: (dst_bbox, dst_transform, dst_height, dst_width) = None, None, 0, 0 else: (dst_bbox, dst_transform, dst_height, dst_width) = bbox_result if dst_left is None: # first bbox dst_left, dst_bottom, dst_right, dst_top = dst_bbox else: dst_left = min(dst_left,dst_bbox[0]) dst_bottom = min(dst_bottom, dst_bbox[1]) dst_right = max(dst_right, dst_bbox[2]) dst_top = max(dst_top, dst_bbox[3]) df.loc[irow, 'dst_width'] = dst_width df.loc[irow, 'dst_height'] = dst_height df.loc[irow, 'dst_transform'] = dst_transform df._set_value(irow, 'dst_bounds', dst_bbox) if dst_left is None: #No data at all return None df.dst_width = df.dst_width.astype(int) df.dst_height = df.dst_height.astype(int) return df, dst_left, dst_top, dst_right, dst_bottom
[docs] def read_tile(self, row, landmask=False): ''' Reads data and mask of one tile into memory ''' infile = self.get_input_file(row.fn) try: with as src: vrt_options = { 'resampling': self.resampling, 'crs': self.dst_crs, 'transform': row.dst_transform, 'height': row.dst_height, 'width': row.dst_width, 'src_nodata': src.nodata, 'add_alpha': False } with rio.vrt.WarpedVRT(src, **vrt_options) as vrt: round_err = 0.0 #self.dxy/4.0 xl, yl, xu, yu = row.dst_bounds dst_window = vrt.window(xl-round_err, yl-round_err, xu+round_err, yu+round_err) dst_window = dst_window.round_offsets(pixel_precision=1).round_lengths(pixel_precision=1) #tprint(' read data and mask') #tprint(' .. reading sdata') sdata =,window=dst_window) #tprint(' .. reading mask') mask = (sdata>0) & (vrt.read_masks(1, window=dst_window)!=0) if landmask: bounds =, row.dst_transform) with as src: sub_window_lc =*bounds, transform=src.transform) sub_window_lc = sub_window_lc.round_lengths(pixel_precision=1).round_offsets(pixel_precision=1) #if abs(sub_window_lc.width - dst_window.width) == 1: # sub_window_lc.width = dst_window.width #if abs(sub_window_lc.height - dst_window.height) == 1: # sub_window_lc.height = dst_window.height #tprint(' .. reading lc mask') lc_mask = src.read_masks(1, window = sub_window_lc, boundless=True, out_shape=sdata.shape, resampling=Resampling.nearest) != 0 #tprint(' .. reading lc data') lc_data =, window = sub_window_lc, boundless=True, out_shape=sdata.shape, resampling=Resampling.nearest) #tprint(' .. masking lc') mask = mask & lc_mask & (lc_data>0) except Exception as e: print(f'Error reading file {infile}') error_message = traceback.format_exc() print(error_message) return row, None, None return row, sdata, mask
#% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% #% mozaici pojedinih orbita orbite %%%%%%%%%%%%%
[docs] def make_mosaic_tiled_mp_worker(self, j, args): ''' Worker procedure to make one subtile ''' dst_nodata=args.dst_nodata ntiles_cols=args.ntiles_cols; ntiles_rows=args.ntiles_rows tiles_cols=args.tiles_cols; tiles_rows=args.tiles_rows dst_transform = args.dst_transform; landmask = args.landmask df = args.df tc = j%ntiles_cols tr = j//ntiles_cols dst_window =*tiles_cols, row_off=tr*tiles_rows, width=tiles_cols, height=tiles_rows) # NAđem sve ulazne tileove koji se preklapaju sa radnim ind = df.window.apply(lambda x:,dst_window)) ntiles_input = ind.sum() #tprint(f'tile {j+1} has {ntiles_input} s2tiles') if ntiles_input==0: return None grid = GridSystem(int(dst_window.height), int(dst_window.width),, dst_transform)) #work_bounds =, dst_transform) # working array, gdata = np.zeros((grid.nrows, grid.ncols), dtype='int32') # count array cdata = np.zeros((grid.nrows, grid.ncols), dtype='uint8') dff = df.loc[ind].copy() for ri, r in dff.iterrows(): if r.dst_width==0: continue row, sdata, mask = self.read_tile(r, landmask) #i=i+1 if sdata is None: continue dst_height, dst_width = mask.shape grid.set_subgrid(dst_height, dst_width, row.dst_transform) grid.set_subgrid_mask(mask) grid.add_to_subgrid_inc1_masked(gdata, cdata, sdata) gdata=orbit_average(gdata, cdata, dst_nodata) return j, dst_window, gdata
[docs] def make_mosaic_tiled_mp(self, input_file_list, out_file_name, dst_type, dst_nodata, resampling_method, output_profile, dst_bounds=None, max_cols=1024*10, max_rows=1024*10, landmask=False): ''' Makes mosaic of one relative orbit using multiprocessing. param: input_file_list: List of all input tile images param: out_file_name: Name of output file param: dst_type: Type of data in output file param: dst_nodata: Nodata value in output file param: resampling_method: Method of resampling param: output_profile: Profile of output file param: dst_bounds: Not used, default is None param: max_cols: Maximum number of columns in one subtile, default is 10240 param: max_rows: Maximum number of rows in one subtile, default is 10240 param: landmask: If True then output data is masked with landmask, default is False ''' dxy = self.dxy self.resampling = rio.enums.Resampling[resampling_method] #tprint(f' get_extent') extent = self.get_extent(input_file_list) if extent is None: tprint(f' NO EXTENT - SKIPPING !') return # Nađen transform i bounds svih tile-ova, i ukupni extent df, dst_left, dst_top, dst_right, dst_bottom = extent df = df.loc[~df.dst_bounds.isnull()] # naštimama sve to na dx, dy dst_transform = self.align_transform(rasterio.transform.from_origin(dst_left, dst_top, dxy, dxy)) dst_bounds = rasterio.transform.array_bounds((dst_top-dst_bottom-1)//dxy+1, (dst_right-dst_left-1)//dxy+1, dst_transform) df['window'] = [*r.dst_bounds, transform = dst_transform) for i,r in df.iterrows()] ncols = int((dst_bounds[2]-dst_bounds[0])//dxy) nrows = int((dst_bounds[3]-dst_bounds[1])//dxy) # Izračun broja radnih tile-ova ntiles_cols = int(np.ceil(ncols/max_cols)) ntiles_rows = int(np.ceil(nrows/max_rows)) # Broj rows i coils u jednom working tile-u tiles_cols = int(np.ceil(ncols/ntiles_cols)) tiles_rows = int(np.ceil(nrows/ntiles_rows)) ncols = tiles_cols*ntiles_cols nrows = tiles_rows*ntiles_rows output_profile.update({'width':ncols, 'height':nrows, 'transform': dst_transform}) self.save_tif_init(out_file_name, output_profile) # Petlja po working tiles n=ntiles_cols*ntiles_rows pbar = tqdm.tqdm(total=n) mp_args_fixed = Munch(ntiles_cols=ntiles_cols, ntiles_rows=ntiles_rows, tiles_cols=tiles_cols, tiles_rows=tiles_rows, dst_transform=dst_transform, df=df, dst_nodata=dst_nodata, landmask=landmask) mp_args = ((j,mp_args_fixed) for j in range(n)) for ret in ThreadGeneratorLazy(self.make_mosaic_tiled_mp_worker, mp_args, self.nworkers, self.nworkers): pbar.update(1) if ret is not None: j, dst_window, gdata=ret pbar.set_description(f'Window {j}') #tprint(f' saving window {j+1}/{ntiles_cols*ntiles_rows} ... ',end='') self.save_tif_update(gdata.astype(dst_type), dst_window) #tprint(' done') self.save_tif_finish()
[docs] def mosaic_orbits_tiled(self, input_folder: str, output_folder:str, dst_nodata=2**15-1, dst_dtype='int16', resampling_method='nearest', landmask=False): ''' Main procedure for making mosaic of all relative orbits param: input_folder: Folder with all tiles param: outpout_folder: Folder where to write output orbits param: dst_nodata: nodata value for output files, default 2**15-1 param: dst_dtype: type of data in output orbit mosaics, default is 'int16' param: resampling_methos: method of resampling, default is 'nearest' param: landmask: If true then output is masked with landmask, default is False ''' # mosaic_name = 's2l2a_B04_2018_q2_P25'; preklop='cnt_min'; dst_dtype='uint8'; resampling_method='average'; dst_nodata=0 out_profile = dict(driver='GTiff', crs=self.dst_crs, dtype=dst_dtype, count=1, nodata=dst_nodata, compress='deflate', tiled=True, blockxsize=1024, blockysize=1024, bigtiff='YES',num_threads='all_cpus') tprint(f'mosaic: {input_folder}') orbits = self.get_all_orbits(input_folder) tprint(f'number of orbits: {len(orbits)}') output_folder = self.get_output_folder(output_folder) i=0 pbar = tqdm.tqdm(total=len(orbits)) for orbit, files in sorted(orbits.items(), key =lambda x: len(x[1])): pbar.update(1) i=i+1 out_file_name = (Path(output_folder)/orbit).with_suffix('.tif') if self.check_output_file(out_file_name): print(f'Already exists: {out_file_name}') continue input_file_list = sorted(files, key = lambda f: Path(f).with_suffix('').name.split('_')[-2], reverse=True) #tprint(f'{i}/{len(orbits)} {out_file_name}, {len(input_file_list)} files') pbar.set_description(f'{i}/{len(orbits)} {out_file_name}, {len(input_file_list)} files') self.make_mosaic_tiled_mp(input_file_list=input_file_list, out_file_name=out_file_name, dst_type=dst_dtype, dst_nodata=dst_nodata, resampling_method=resampling_method, output_profile = out_profile, landmask=landmask)
#% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
[docs] def make_mosaic_final_tiled_worker(self, j, args): ''' Worker procedure for final mosaic. Calculates one subtile. ''' dst_nodata=args.dst_nodata ntiles_cols=args.ntiles_cols; ntiles_rows=args.ntiles_rows tiles_cols=args.tiles_cols; tiles_rows=args.tiles_rows dst_transform = args.dst_transform; orbits = args.orbits; preklop = args.preklop #tprint(f' {j}/{ntiles_rows*ntiles_cols}') tc = j%ntiles_cols tr = j//ntiles_cols dst_window =*tiles_cols, tr*tiles_rows, tiles_cols, tiles_rows) grid = GridSystem(int(dst_window.height), int(dst_window.width),, dst_transform)) gdata = np.full((grid.nrows, grid.ncols), dst_nodata, dtype='int16') gmask = np.zeros_like(gdata, dtype=bool) # global mask (true==value is valid) lmask = gmask.copy() gmask_clip = gmask.copy() lrow = None n = len(orbits) for i,row in enumerate(orbits): #i=27; row=orbits[i] infile = self.get_input_file(row['file']) with as src: # orbit_window =*src.bounds,dst_transform) if, dst_window): #print(f'tile {j+1}/{ntiles_rows*ntiles_cols}, orbit - {i}-{row["orbit"]}') grid.set_subgrid(src.height, src.width, src.transform) sub_window =*grid.get_subgrid_bounds(), transform=src.transform) sub_window = sub_window.round_lengths(pixel_precision=1).round_offsets(pixel_precision=1) sdata =, window=sub_window) mask = src.read_masks(1, window=sub_window)!=0 #TODO: if self.landmaskis not None: ... grid.update_lmask_clip(mask, lmask, gmask, gmask_clip) if not gmask_clip.any(): gdata[lmask] = sdata[mask] else: if preklop=='weight': #tprint('gmask2lmask ...') lmask_clip = grid.gmask2lmask(gmask_clip) gdata_clip = gdata[gmask_clip] #gdata.flat[ginds_clip] sdata_clip = sdata[lmask_clip] #tprint(f'clipping ... {sdata_clip.sum()} pixels') # x,y coordinates of pixels in clip area x, y = cr2xy_v4(gmask_clip, tuple(grid.transform)[:6]) #tprint('distance ...') # distance of pixels in clip form left and right orbit dstg, dstl = distance_to_lines(x, y, pygeos.get_coordinates(lrow['geom']), pygeos.get_coordinates(row['geom'])) #tprint('distance finished ...') mosaic_final_weight_v1(dstl, dstg, sdata_clip, gdata_clip, self.max_distance_from_orbit) #, dst_dtype=np.dtype(dst_dtype)) #, nthreads=mp.cpu_count()) gdata[gmask_clip] = gdata_clip gdata[lmask & (~gmask_clip)] = sdata[mask & (~lmask_clip)] #tprint('calculation finished ...') elif preklop =='cnt_min': lmask_clip = grid.gmask2lmask(gmask_clip) gdata_clip = gdata[gmask_clip] #gdata.flat[ginds_clip] sdata_clip = sdata[lmask_clip] #gdata[gmask_clip] = np.fmin(np.where(gdata_clip==0, np.nan, gdata_clip), # np.where(sdata_clip==0, np.nan, sdata_clip)) gdata[gmask_clip] = np.fmin(gdata_clip, sdata_clip) gdata[lmask & (~gmask_clip)] = sdata[mask & (~lmask_clip)] _update_mask_or(gmask, lmask) lrow = row return j, dst_window, gdata
[docs] def make_mosaic_final_tiled_mp(self, out_file_name:str, preklop:str, orbits:list, extent: list, output_profile:dict, tile_size=1024*10): ''' Makes final mosaic using tiled multiprocessing. param: out_file_name: Output file name param: preklop: Method for overlap calculating param: orbits: List of all orbits and files param: extent: Extent of final mosaic param: output_profile: Profile of output image ''' dxy=self.dxy dst_left, dst_bottom, dst_right, dst_top = extent dst_transform = self.align_transform(rasterio.transform.from_origin(dst_left, dst_top, dxy, dxy)) dst_bounds = rasterio.transform.array_bounds((dst_top-dst_bottom-1)//dxy+1, (dst_right-dst_left-1)//dxy+1, dst_transform) dst_nodata = output_profile['nodata'] dst_dtype = output_profile['dtype'] # download all orbirts tprint('Downloading orbit files ...') pbar = tqdm.tqdm() for o in orbits: pbar.set_description(o['file']) #tprint(o['file']) self.get_input_file(o['file']) pbar.update(1) tprint('\n\nDone.') dst_window =*dst_bounds, transform=dst_transform) ncols = int(dst_window.width) nrows = int(dst_window.height) # Izračun broja radnih tile-ova ntiles_cols = int(np.ceil(ncols/tile_size)) ntiles_rows = int(np.ceil(nrows/tile_size)) # Broj rows i coils u jednom working tile-u tiles_cols = int(np.ceil(ncols/ntiles_cols)) tiles_rows = int(np.ceil(nrows/ntiles_rows)) ncols = tiles_cols*ntiles_cols nrows = tiles_rows*ntiles_rows grid = GridSystem(nrows, ncols, dst_transform) output_profile.update({'width':ncols, 'height':nrows, 'transform': dst_transform}) self.save_tif_init(out_file_name, output_profile) tprint(' mosaic') mp_args_fixed = Munch(ntiles_cols=ntiles_cols, ntiles_rows=ntiles_rows, tiles_cols=tiles_cols, tiles_rows=tiles_rows, dst_transform=dst_transform, orbits=orbits, dst_nodata=dst_nodata, preklop=preklop) mp_args = ((j,mp_args_fixed) for j in range(ntiles_cols*ntiles_rows)) pbar=tqdm.tqdm(total=ntiles_cols*ntiles_rows) for ret in ThreadGeneratorLazy(self.make_mosaic_final_tiled_worker, mp_args, self.nworkers, self.nworkers): pbar.update(1) if ret is not None: j, tile_window, gdata=ret pbar.set_description(f'Window {j+1}') #tprint(f' Saving window {j+1}/{ntiles_cols*ntiles_rows} ... ') self.save_tif_update(gdata, tile_window) #tprint(f' Window {j+1} saved.') self.save_tif_finish()
[docs] def mosaic_final_tiled(self, orbits_folder: str, out_filename:str, extent:list=[900000, 900010, 6540000, 5460010], preklop='weight'): ''' Makes final mosaic from all orbit files param: orbits_folder: Folder with all input orbit files param: out_filename: Output folder for final mosaic param: extent: Extent of output mosaic param: preklop: Method to use for overlap, default is 'weight' ''' tprint(out_filename, end='') files = self.get_final_orbits(orbits_folder) if len(files)==0: print(' ... NO INPUTS!') return elif self.check_output_file(Path(out_filename)): print(' ... ALREADY EXISTS!') return print() with pkg_resources.path(_dist_data, 's2a_rel_orbit_gh.geojson') as orbits_file: df = geopandas.read_file(orbits_file) df['geom'] = pygeos.from_wkb(df.geometry.apply(lambda x: x.wkb)) df['file'] = df.orbit.apply(lambda x: files.get(x, None)) df['order'] = np.where(df.ANX_lon.values<0, df.ANX_lon.values+360, df.ANX_lon.values) df.sort_values('order', ascending = False, inplace=True) orbits = df.loc[~df['file'].isnull(),['orbit','geom','file']].to_dict('records') with[0]['file'])) as src: p = src.profile out_profile = dict(driver='GTiff', crs=p['crs'], dtype=p['dtype'], count=1, nodata=p['nodata'], compress='deflate', predictor=2, zlevel=8, tiled=True, blockxsize=1024, blockysize=1024, bigtiff='YES', num_threads='all_cpus') ret = self.make_mosaic_final_tiled_mp(out_filename, preklop, orbits, extent, out_profile) tprint(ret)
# %% with pkg_resources.path(_dist_data, 's2a_rel_orbit_gh.geojson') as orbits_file: df = geopandas.read_file(orbits_file)