Source code for eumap.gapfiller

Gapfilling approaches using temporal and spatial neighbor pixels
import multiprocessing
import traceback
import warnings
import time
import math
import os
import gc

    from itertools import cycle, islice, chain
    from typing import List, Dict, Union
    from import Window
    from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
    from pathlib import Path
    from enum import Enum

    from pyts.decomposition import SingularSpectrumAnalysis
    from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
    from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
    import bottleneck as bc
    import cv2 as cv
    import numpy as np

    from .misc import ttprint
    from .datasets import DATA_ROOT_NAME
    from . import parallel
    from .raster import read_rasters, save_rasters

[docs] class OutlierRemover(Enum): """ Strategy to remove outliers considering the temporal domain. """ Std = 1 #: Standard deviation moving window Percentile = 2 #: Percentile calculation
[docs] class ImageGapfill(ABC): """ Abstract class responsible for read/write the raster files in all implemented gapfilling methods. :param fn_files: Raster file paths to be read and gapfilled. The filename alphabetic order is used to infer the temporal order for the read data. :param data: 3D array where the last dimension is the time. :param outlier_remover: Strategy to remove outliers. :param std_win: Temporal window size used to calculate a local median and std. :param std_env: Number of std used to define a local envelope around the median. Values outside of this envelope are removed. :param perc_env: A list containing the lower and upper percentiles used to defined a global envelope for the time series. Values outside of this envelope are removed. :param n_jobs_io: Number of parallel jobs to read/write raster files. :param verbose: Use ``True`` to print the progress of the gapfilled. """ def __init__(self, fn_files:List = None , data:np.array = None, outlier_remover:OutlierRemover = None, std_win:int = 3, std_env:int = 2, perc_env:list = [2,98], n_jobs_io = 4, verbose:bool = True, ): if data is None and fn_files is None: raise ValueError(f'You should provide at least one of these: data or fn_files') self.n_jobs_io = n_jobs_io if data is None: self.fn_files = fn_files, _ = read_rasters(raster_files=fn_files, verbose=verbose, n_jobs=self.n_jobs_io) else: = data self.outlier_remover = outlier_remover self.perc_env = perc_env self.std_win = std_win self.std_env = std_env if self.std_win is not None and (self.std_win % 2) == 0: raise ValueError(f'The std_win argument must be an odd number') self.outlier_fn = None if OutlierRemover.Std == outlier_remover: self.outlier_fn = self._remove_outliers_std elif OutlierRemover.Percentile == outlier_remover: self.outlier_fn = self._remove_outliers_perc self.verbose = verbose def _verbose(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.verbose: ttprint(*args, **kwargs) def _n_gaps(self, data = None): if data is None: data = return np.sum(np.isnan(data).astype('int')) def _remove_outliers_perc(self, ts_data): ts_data = ts_data.copy() lower_pct, higher_pct = np.nanpercentile(ts_data, q = self.perc_env) valid_mask = np.logical_and(ts_data >= lower_pct, ts_data <= higher_pct) ts_data[~valid_mask] = np.nan return ts_data def _remove_outliers_std(self, ts_data): if np.sum(np.isnan(ts_data).astype('int')) != ts_data.shape[0]: ts_data = ts_data.astype('float32') ts_size = ts_data.shape[0] with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', r'All-NaN (slice|axis) encountered') glob_med = bc.nanmedian(ts_data) ts_neib = int((self.std_win - 1) / 2) env = self.std_env min_len_std = 3 outliers = [] for i in range(0, ts_size): i0 = 0 if (i - ts_neib) < 0 else (i - ts_neib) i1 = ts_size if (i + ts_neib) + 1 > ts_size else (i + ts_neib) + 1 # Expand the window in the boundaries years if i1 == ts_size: i0 -= self.std_win - (i1 - i0) if i0 == 0: i1 += self.std_win - (i1 - i0) win_data = ts_data[i0:i1].copy() win_data[np.isnan(win_data)] = glob_med with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', r'All-NaN (slice|axis) encountered') med = bc.nanmedian(win_data) std = bc.nanstd(win_data) lower = (med - std * env) upper = (med + std * env) outliers.append(lower > ts_data[i] or upper < ts_data[i]) outliers = np.array(outliers) ts_data[outliers] = np.nan return ts_data.astype('float16') def _perc_gapfilled(self, gapfilled_data): data_nan = np.isnan( n_nan = np.sum(data_nan.astype('int')) n_gapfilled = np.sum(data_nan[~np.isnan(gapfilled_data)].astype('int')) return n_gapfilled / n_nan
[docs] def run(self): """ Execute the gapfilling approach. """ self._verbose(f'There are {self._n_gaps()} gaps in {}') start = time.time() if self.outlier_fn: self._verbose(f'Removing temporal outliers using {self.outlier_remover}') data_noout = parallel.apply_along_axis(self.outlier_fn, 2, self.outlier_mask = np.logical_and(~np.isnan(, np.isnan(data_noout)) n_outliers = np.sum(self.outlier_mask.astype('int')) self._verbose(f'{n_outliers} outliers removed') = data_noout self._verbose(f'There are {self._n_gaps()} gaps in {}') self.gapfilled_data, self.gapfilled_data_flag = self._gapfill() gaps_perc = self._perc_gapfilled(self.gapfilled_data) self._verbose(f'{gaps_perc*100:.2f}% of the gaps filled in {(time.time() - start):.2f} segs') if gaps_perc < 1: self._verbose(f'Remained gaps: {self._n_gaps(self.gapfilled_data)}') return self.gapfilled_data
@abstractmethod def _gapfill(self): pass
[docs] def save_rasters(self, out_dir, dtype:str = None, out_mantain_subdirs:bool = True, root_dir_name:str = DATA_ROOT_NAME, fn_files:List = None, nodata = None, spatial_win:Window = None, save_flag = True, ): """ Save the result in raster files maintaining the same filenames of the read rasters. :param out_dir: Folder path to save the files. :param dtype: Convert the rasters for the specified Numpy ``dtype`` before save. This argument overwrite the values retrieved of ``fn_files`` :param out_mantain_subdirs: Keep the full folder hierarchy of the read raster in the ``out_dir``. :param root_dir_name: Keep the relative folder hierarchy of the read raster in the ``out_dir`` considering of the sub folders of ``root_dir_name``. :param fn_files: Raster file paths to retrieve the filenames and folders. Use this parameter in situations where the ``data`` parameter is informed in the class constructor. The pixel size, crs, extent, image size and nodata for the gapfilled rasters are retrieved from the first valid raster of ``fn_files`` :param nodata: ``Nodata`` value used for the the gapfilled rasters. This argument overwrite the values retrieved of ``fn_files``. This argument doesn't affect the flag rasters (gapfill summary), which have ``nodata=0``. :param spatial_win: Save the gapfilled rasters considering the specified spatial window. :param save_flag: Save the flag rasters (gapfill summary). """ if fn_files is not None: self.fn_files = fn_files if self.fn_files is None: raise Exception(f'To use save_rasters you should provide a fn_files list.') fn_base_img = None for i in range(0, len(self.fn_files)): if self.fn_files[i] is not None and self.fn_files[i].is_file(): fn_base_img = self.fn_files[i] break n_files = len(self.fn_files) n_data = self.gapfilled_data.shape[2] if n_files != n_data: raise Exception(f'The fn_files incompatible with gapfilled_data shape ({self.gapfilled_data.shape})') if not isinstance(out_dir, Path): out_dir = Path(out_dir) fn_gapfilled_list = [] fn_flag_list = [] for i in range(0,n_files): src_fn = Path(self.fn_files[i]) if out_mantain_subdirs: cur_out_dir = out_dir.joinpath(str(src_fn.parent).split(root_dir_name)[-1][1:]) fn_gapfilled = cur_out_dir.joinpath('%s.tif' % src_fn.stem) fn_flag = cur_out_dir.joinpath('%s_flag.tif' % src_fn.stem) else: fn_gapfilled = out_dir.joinpath('%s.tif' % src_fn.stem) fn_flag = out_dir.joinpath('%s_flag.tif' % src_fn.stem) fn_gapfilled.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) fn_gapfilled_list.append(fn_gapfilled) fn_flag_list.append(fn_flag) result = save_rasters(fn_base_img, fn_gapfilled_list, self.gapfilled_data, dtype = dtype, spatial_win = spatial_win, nodata=nodata) if save_flag: flag_result = save_rasters(fn_base_img, fn_flag_list, self.gapfilled_data_flag, dtype = 'uint8', spatial_win = spatial_win, nodata=0, n_jobs=self.n_jobs_io) result = result + flag_result self._verbose(f'Number of files saved in {out_dir}: {len(result)}') return result
class _TMWMData(): def __init__(self, time_order: List, time_data, time_win_size = 9, cpu_max_workers:int = multiprocessing.cpu_count(), engine='CPU', gpu_tile_size:int = 250 ): self.time_win_size = time_win_size self.time_order = time_order self.time_data = time_data self.cpu_max_workers = cpu_max_workers self.gpu_tile_size = gpu_tile_size self.engine = engine self.gapfilled_data = {} def _get_time_window(self, t, n_layers, win_size): neib_size = int((win_size - 1) / 2) return( (t - neib_size) if (t - neib_size) > 0 else 0, (t + neib_size) if (t + neib_size) < (n_layers-1) else (n_layers-1), ) def _key_from_layer_pos(self, time, layer_pos, win_size): _, _, n_layers = self.time_data[time].shape t1, t2 = self._get_time_window(layer_pos, n_layers, win_size) return self._key_from_time(time, t1, t2) def _key_from_time(self, time, t1, t2): return f'{time}_{t1}_{t2}' def _calc_nanmedian(self, time, t1, t2): with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', r'All-NaN (slice|axis) encountered') result = bc.nanmedian(self.time_data[time][:,:,t1:t2+1].astype('float32'), axis=2) return self._key_from_time(time, t1, t2), result.astype('float16') def _cpu_processing(self, args): for key, data in parallel.job(self._calc_nanmedian, iter(args), n_jobs=self.cpu_max_workers, joblib_args={'require': 'sharedmem'}): self.gapfilled_data[key] = data def _gpu_processing(self, args): try: import cupy as cp except ImportError: warnings.warn('GPU engine requires cupy>=9.2.0') x_size, y_size, _ = self.time_data[self.time_order[0]].shape for x1 in chain(range(0, x_size, self.gpu_tile_size), [self.gpu_tile_size]): for y1 in chain(range(0, x_size, self.gpu_tile_size), [self.gpu_tile_size]): gpu_data = {} x2 = ( (x_size-1) if (x1 + self.gpu_tile_size) >= x_size else (x1 + self.gpu_tile_size)) y2 = ( (y_size-1) if (y1 + self.gpu_tile_size) >= y_size else (y1 + self.gpu_tile_size)) for time in self.time_order: gpu_data[time] = cp.asarray(self.time_data[time][x1:x2,y1:y2,:]) for time, t1, t2 in iter(args): key = self._key_from_time(time, t1, t2) if key not in self.gapfilled_data: self.gapfilled_data[key] = np.zeros((x_size, y_size), dtype='float32') gpu_median = cp.nanmedian(gpu_data[time][:,:,t1:t2], axis=2) self.gapfilled_data[key][x1:x2,y1:y2] = cp.asnumpy(gpu_median) gpu_median = None gpu_data = None def run(self): """Perform the implemented gapfilling operation """ self.gapfilled_data = {} self.available_windows = {} args = set() for time in self.time_order: _, _, n_layers = self.time_data[time].shape self.available_windows[time] = [] for layer_pos in range(0, n_layers): self.available_windows[time].append([]) for w in range(self.time_win_size, n_layers, self.time_win_size): t1, t2 = self._get_time_window(layer_pos, n_layers, w) self.available_windows[time][layer_pos].append(w) args.add((time, t1, t2)) ttprint(f'Calculating {len(args)} gap filling possibilities') if self.engine == 'CPU': ttprint(f'Using cpu engine') self._cpu_processing(args) elif self.engine == 'GPU': ttprint(f'Using GPU engine') self._gpu_processing(args) ttprint(f'Possibilities calculated') def get(self, time, layer_pos): time_list = (time if type(time) == list else [time]) result = {} for t in time_list: try: for win_size in (self.available_windows[t][layer_pos]): result[win_size] = ( [] if win_size not in result else result[win_size]) key = self._key_from_layer_pos(t, layer_pos, win_size) result[win_size].append(self.gapfilled_data[key]) except: traceback.format_exc() continue for win_size in list(result.keys()): win_stacked = np.stack(result[win_size], axis=2).astype('float32') with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', r'All-NaN (slice|axis) encountered') result[win_size] = bc.nanmedian(win_stacked, axis=2).astype('float16') del win_stacked return result
[docs] class TMWM2(ImageGapfill): def __init__(self, fn_files:List = None , data:np.array = None, season_size = None, time_win_size: int=9, precomputed_flags:np.array = None, max_same_season_win = None, max_neib_season_win = None, max_annual_win = None, time_win_direction = 'both', outlier_remover:OutlierRemover = None, std_win:int = 3, std_env:int = 2, perc_env:list = [2,98], n_jobs_io = 4, verbose = True ): super().__init__(fn_files=fn_files, data=data, outlier_remover=outlier_remover, std_win=std_win, std_env=std_env, perc_env=perc_env, n_jobs_io=n_jobs_io, verbose=verbose) self.time_win_size = time_win_size self.season_size = season_size = np.ascontiguousarray(,0,1))) self.time_series_size =[0] self.tile_size = ([1],[2]) self.n_years = int(self.time_series_size / self.season_size) self.precomputed_flags = precomputed_flags self.time_win_direction = time_win_direction self.max_same_season_win = max_same_season_win if self.max_same_season_win is None: self.max_same_season_win = self.n_years self.max_neib_season_win = max_neib_season_win if self.max_neib_season_win is None: self.max_neib_season_win = self.n_years self.max_annual_win = max_annual_win if self.max_annual_win is None: self.max_annual_win = self.n_years self.summary_gaps = np.sum( np.isnan('int8'), axis=(1,2) ) if (self.time_win_size % 2) == 0: raise ValueError(f'The time_win_size argument must be an odd number') if (self.max_same_season_win < self.time_win_size): raise ValueError(f'The max_same_season_win argument can not be less than {time_win_size} (time_win_size)') if (self.max_neib_season_win < self.time_win_size): raise ValueError(f'The max_neib_season_win argument can not be less than {time_win_size} (time_win_size)') if (self.max_annual_win < self.time_win_size): raise ValueError(f'The max_annual_win argument can not be less than {time_win_size} (time_win_size)') self.n_jobs = multiprocessing.cpu_count() if self.time_series_size < self.n_jobs: self.n_jobs = self.time_series_size def _sanitize_win(self, idx): return idx[ np.logical_and( idx >= 0, idx < self.time_series_size ) ] def _season_win(self, i, t_margin): margin = (self.season_size * t_margin) i_past = i - margin i_futu = i + margin + self.season_size if self.time_win_direction == 'past': i_futu = i elif self.time_win_direction == 'future': i_past = i return self._sanitize_win( np.arange(i_past, i_futu, self.season_size) ) def _annual_win(self, i, t_margin): win_size = (t_margin * 2) + 1 start = int(i / self.season_size) margin = win_size * self.season_size i_past = start - margin i_futu = start + margin if self.time_win_direction == 'past': i_futu = i elif self.time_win_direction == 'future': i_past = i return self._sanitize_win( np.arange(i_past, i_futu, 1) ) def _time_windows(self, i): win_map = {} win_idx = [] for j in range(0, self.n_years - self.time_win_size): t = ((j * 2) + self.time_win_size) t_margin = int((t - 1) / 2) win_size = (t_margin * 2) + 1 #print(f"{i} {j} {win_size}") same_season_win = self._season_win(i, t_margin) if len(same_season_win) > 0 and win_size <= self.max_same_season_win: #print(f"same_season_win: {i} {j} {win_size} {len(same_season_win)}") same_season_idx = t win_idx.append(same_season_idx) win_map[same_season_idx] = same_season_win neib_season_win = np.concatenate([ self._season_win(i-1, t_margin), self._season_win(i+1, t_margin) ]) if len(neib_season_win) > 0 and win_size <= self.max_neib_season_win: #print(f"neib_season_win: {i} {j} {win_size} {len(neib_season_win)}") neib_season_idx = t + self.n_years win_idx.append(neib_season_idx) win_map[neib_season_idx] = neib_season_win annual_win = self._annual_win(i, t_margin) if len(annual_win) > 0 and win_size <= self.max_annual_win: #print(f"annual_win: {i} {j} {win_size} {len(annual_win)}") annual_idx = t + (2 * self.n_years) win_idx.append(annual_idx) win_map[annual_idx] = annual_win win_idx.sort() return (win_idx, win_map) def _win_choice(self, win_map, idx, i): to_gapfill =[i,:,:] to_reduce =[win_map[idx]] availability_mask = np.logical_and( np.isnan(to_gapfill), ~np.isnan(bc.nanmin(to_reduce, axis=(0))) ) r = np.empty(self.tile_size, dtype='float32') r[:,:] = np.nan r[availability_mask] = idx return r def _flags(self, i, win_idx, win_map): #args = [ (win_map, idx, i) for idx in win_idx ] win_choice = [] #for r in parallel.job(self._win_choice, args, n_jobs=len(args), joblib_args={'backend': 'threading'}): for idx in win_idx: r = self._win_choice(win_map, idx, i) win_choice.append(r) win_choice = bc.nanmin(np.stack(win_choice, axis=0), axis=0) gc.collect() return win_choice def _reduce(self, i, to_reduce, mask): mask_b = np.broadcast_to(mask, to_reduce.shape) to_reduce[~mask_b] = np.nan return bc.nanmedian(to_reduce, axis=0), mask def _run(self, i): n_gaps = self.summary_gaps[i] try: if n_gaps > 0: win_idx, win_map = self._time_windows(i) if self.precomputed_flags is None: flags = self._flags(i, win_idx, win_map) flags[np.isnan(flags)] = 0 flags = flags.astype('uint8') else: flags = self.precomputed_flags[i,:,:] flags_uniq = np.unique(flags[flags != 0]) args = [ (i,[win_map[idx]], (flags == idx)) for idx in flags_uniq ] gapfilled =[i,:,:].copy() #for reduced, mask in parallel.job(self._reduce, args, n_jobs=len(args), joblib_args={'backend': 'threading'}): for arg in args: reduced, mask = self._reduce(*arg) gapfilled[mask] = reduced[mask] return gapfilled, flags else: return[i,:,:], np.zeros(self.tile_size, dtype='uint8') except: return[i,:,:], np.zeros(self.tile_size, dtype='uint8') finally: gc.collect() def _gapfill(self): args = [ (i,) for i in range(self.time_series_size) ] gapfilled_data = [] gapfilled_data_flag = [] win_idx, win_map = self._time_windows(int(self.time_series_size/2)) ttprint(f"Deriving {len(win_idx)} gap filling possibilities for each date") for gapfilled, flags in parallel.job(self._run, args, n_jobs=self.n_jobs, joblib_args={'backend': 'multiprocessing'}): gapfilled_data.append(gapfilled) gapfilled_data_flag.append(flags) gapfilled_data = np.stack(gapfilled_data, axis=0) gapfilled_data_flag = np.stack(gapfilled_data_flag, axis=0) return(gapfilled_data, gapfilled_data_flag)
[docs] class TMWM(ImageGapfill): """ Temporal Moving Window Median able to gapfill the missing pixels using the temporal neighborhood by a moving window to calculate several median possibilities. The approach prioritizes values derived for **1–the same day/month/season**, **2–neighboring days/months/seasons**, **and 3–all the year**. For example, in the best case scenario a missing pixel on Jan-2005 is filled using a median value derived from January of other years, and in the worst case scenario it uses a value derived of all the months and available years. If a pixel remains with a missing value, it is because there is **no valid data on the entire time series**. :param fn_files: Raster file paths to be read and gapfilled. :param data: 3D array where the last dimension is the time. :param season_size: Season size of a year (for monthly time series it is equal ``12``). :param time_win_size: Size of the temporal window used to calculate the median value possibilities. :param cpu_max_workers: Number of CPU cores to be used in parallel. :param engine: Execute in ``CPU`` [1] or ``GPU`` [2]. :param gpu_tile_size: Tile size used to split the processing in the GPU. :param outlier_remover: Strategy to remove outliers. :param std_win: Temporal window size used to calculate a local median and std. :param std_env: Number of std used to define a local envelope around the median. Values outside of this envelope are removed. :param perc_env: A list containing the lower and upper percentiles used to defined a global envelope for the time series. Values outside of this envelope are removed. :param n_jobs_io: Number of parallel jobs to read/write raster files. :param verbose: Use ``True`` to print the progress of the gapfilled. Examples ======== >>> from eumap import gapfiller >>> >>> # For a 4-season time series >>> tmwm = gapfiller.TMWM(fn_files=fn_rasters, season_size=4, time_win_size=4) >>> data_tmwm = >>> >>> fn_rasters_tmwm = tmwm.save_rasters('./gapfilled_tmwm') References ========== [1] `Bootleneck nanmedian <>`_ [2] `CuPY nanmedian <>`_ """ def __init__(self, fn_files:List = None , data:np.array = None, season_size = None, time_win_size: int=9, cpu_max_workers:int = multiprocessing.cpu_count(), engine='CPU', gpu_tile_size:int = 250, outlier_remover:OutlierRemover = None, std_win:int = 3, std_env:int = 2, perc_env:list = [2,98], n_jobs_io = 4, verbose = True ): super().__init__(fn_files=fn_files, data=data, outlier_remover=outlier_remover, std_win=std_win, std_env=std_env, perc_env=perc_env, n_jobs_io=n_jobs_io, verbose=verbose) self.cpu_max_workers = cpu_max_workers self.time_win_size = time_win_size self.engine = engine self.gpu_tile_size = gpu_tile_size self.season_size = season_size if (self.time_win_size % 2) == 0: raise ValueError(f'The time_win_size argument must be an odd number') def _do_time_data(self): total_times =[2] self.time_order = [ str(time) for time in range(0, self.season_size) ] self.time_data = {} self.n_years = 0 for time in self.time_order: idx = list(range(int(time), total_times, self.season_size)) if len(idx) > self.n_years: self.n_years = len(idx) self.time_data[time] =[:,:,idx] self._verbose(f"Data {self.time_data[time].shape} organized in time={time}") def _get_neib_times(self, time): total_times = len(self.time_order) i = self.time_order.index(time) time_order_rev = self.time_order.copy() time_order_rev.reverse() neib_times = [] for j in range(1, math.ceil(total_times / 2) + 1): # Setup slicer in the right positions after = islice(cycle(self.time_order), i, None) before = islice(cycle(time_order_rev), total_times-i, None) next(after) before_tim = [next(before) for t in range(0,j)] after_tim = [next(after) for t in range(0,j)] neib_times.append((before_tim, after_tim)) return neib_times def _fill_gaps(self, time, layer_pos, newdata_dict, verbose_suffix='', gapflag_offset = 0): end_msg = None keys = list(newdata_dict.keys()) keys.sort() for i in newdata_dict.keys(): gaps_mask = np.isnan(self.time_data[time][:,:,layer_pos]) n_gaps = np.sum(gaps_mask.astype('int')) if n_gaps > 0: newdata = newdata_dict[i] gapfill_mask = np.logical_and(~np.isnan(newdata),gaps_mask) self.time_data[time][:,:,layer_pos][gapfill_mask] = newdata[gapfill_mask] self.time_data_gaps[time][:,:,layer_pos][gapfill_mask] = int(i) + gapflag_offset else: end_msg = f'Layer {layer_pos}: gapfilled all with {i}-year window from {verbose_suffix})' break return end_msg def _fill_gaps_all_times(self, time, layer_pos): _, _, n_layers = self.time_data[time].shape end_msg = None all_data = self.tmwm_data.get(self.time_order, layer_pos) end_msg = self._fill_gaps(time, layer_pos, all_data, verbose_suffix='all seasons', gapflag_offset = n_layers*2) return end_msg def _fill_gaps_neib_time(self, time, layer_pos): newdata_dict = {} end_msg = None _, _, n_layers = self.time_data[time].shape for before_times, after_times in self._get_neib_times(time): before_data = self.tmwm_data.get(before_times, layer_pos) after_data = self.tmwm_data.get(after_times, layer_pos) keys = list(set(before_data.keys()).intersection(after_data.keys())) keys.sort() for i in keys: stacked = np.stack([before_data[i], after_data[i]], axis=2) valid_mean = np.any(np.isnan(stacked), axis=2) stacked[valid_mean] = np.nan newdata_dict[i] = np.nanmean(stacked, axis=2) end_msg = self._fill_gaps(time, layer_pos, newdata_dict, verbose_suffix='neighborhood seasons', gapflag_offset = n_layers) if end_msg is not None: break return end_msg def _fill_gaps_same_time(self, time, layer_pos): newdata_dict = self.tmwm_data.get(time, layer_pos) return self._fill_gaps(time, layer_pos, newdata_dict, verbose_suffix='same season') def fill_image(self, time, layer_pos): end_msg = self._fill_gaps_same_time(time, layer_pos) if end_msg is None: end_msg = self._fill_gaps_neib_time(time, layer_pos) if end_msg is None: end_msg = self._fill_gaps_all_times(time, layer_pos) return end_msg def _gapfill(self): self._do_time_data() self.time_data_gaps = {} self.tmwm_data = _TMWMData(self.time_order, self.time_data, self.time_win_size, cpu_max_workers=self.cpu_max_workers, engine=self.engine, gpu_tile_size=self.gpu_tile_size) layer_args = [] for time in self.time_order: nrows, ncols, n_layers = self.time_data[time].shape self.time_data_gaps[time] = np.zeros((nrows, ncols, n_layers), dtype='int8') for layer_pos in range(0, n_layers): layer_args.append((time, layer_pos)) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', 'Mean of empty slice') for end_msg in parallel.job(self.fill_image, iter(layer_args), n_jobs=self.cpu_max_workers, joblib_args={'require': 'sharedmem'}): end_msg = True gapfilled_data = [] gapfilled_data_flag = [] for i in range(0, self.n_years): for time in self.time_order: time_len = self.time_data[time].shape[2] if (time_len <= self.n_years): gapfilled_data.append(self.time_data[time][:,:,i]) gapfilled_data_flag.append(self.time_data_gaps[time][:,:,i]) gapfilled_data = np.stack(gapfilled_data, axis=2) gapfilled_data_flag = np.stack(gapfilled_data_flag, axis=2) return gapfilled_data, gapfilled_data_flag
[docs] class TLI(ImageGapfill): """ Temporal Linear Interpolation able to gapfill the missing pixels using a linear regression [1] over the time using all valid pixels. :param fn_files: Raster file paths to be read and gapfilled. :param data: 3D array where the last dimension is the time. :param outlier_remover: Strategy to remove outliers. :param std_win: Temporal window size used to calculate a local median and std. :param std_env: Number of std used to define a local envelope around the median. Values outside of this envelope are removed. :param perc_env: A list containing the lower and upper percentiles used to defined a global envelope for the time series. Values outside of this envelope are removed. :param n_jobs_io: Number of parallel jobs to read/write raster files. :param verbose: Use ``True`` to print the progress of the gapfilled. Examples ======== >>> from eumap import gapfiller >>> >>> tli = gapfiller.TLI(fn_files=fn_rasters) >>> data_tli = >>> >>> fn_rasters_tli = tli.save_rasters('./gapfilled_tli') References ========== [1] `Scikit-learn linear regression <>`_ """ def __init__(self, fn_files:List = None , data:np.array = None, outlier_remover:OutlierRemover = None, std_win:int = 3, std_env:int = 2, perc_env:list = [2,98], n_jobs_io = 4, verbose = True ): super().__init__(fn_files=fn_files, data=data, outlier_remover=outlier_remover, std_win=std_win, std_env=std_env, perc_env=perc_env, n_jobs_io=n_jobs_io, verbose=verbose) def _temporal_linear_inter(self, data): y = data.reshape(-1).copy() y_nan = np.isnan(y) y_size = data.shape[0] y_valid = y[~y_nan] n_gaps = np.sum(y_nan.astype('int')) data_flag = np.zeros(y.shape) if n_gaps > 0 and y_valid.shape[0] > 3: X = np.array(range(0, y_size)) model = LinearRegression()[~y_nan].reshape(-1, 1), y_valid) y_pred = model.predict(X.reshape(-1, 1)) rmse = mean_squared_error(y[~y_nan], y_pred[~y_nan], squared=False) y[y_nan] = y_pred[y_nan] data_flag[y_nan] = rmse return np.stack([ y.reshape(data.shape), data_flag.reshape(data.shape) ], axis=1) else: return np.stack([ data, data_flag ], axis=1) def _gapfill(self): result = parallel.apply_along_axis(self._temporal_linear_inter, 2, return (result[:,:,:,0], result[:,:,:,1])
[docs] class SSA(ImageGapfill): """ Approach that uses a Singular Spectral Analysis (SSA [1]) to gapfill the missing values and smooth all the raster data. The missing values are first gapfilled using a long-term median strategy derived over values from other days/months/seasons. Later the SSA is uses to decompose each time series in multiple components (``ngroups``), considering only part of them to reconstruct the output time series. (``reconstruct_ngroups``). :param fn_files: Raster file paths to be read and gapfilled. :param data: 3D array where the last dimension is the time. :param season_size: Season size of a year used to calculate the long-term median (for monthly time series it is equal ``12``). :param max_gap_pct: Max percentage allowed to run the approach. For pixels where this condition is satisfied the result is ``np.nan`` for all dates. :param ltm_resolution: Number of years used to calculate the long-term median. :param window_size: Size of the sliding window (i.e. the size of each word). If float, it represents the percentage of the size of each time series and must be between 0 and 1. The window size will be computed as ``max(2, ceil(window_size * n_timestamps))`` [1]. :param ngroups: Number of components used to decompose the time series [1]. :param reconstruct_ngroups: Number of components used to reconstruct the time series. :param outlier_remover: Strategy to remove outliers. :param std_win: Temporal window size used to calculate a local median and std. :param std_env: Number of std used to define a local envelope around the median. Values outside of this envelope are removed. :param perc_env: A list containing the lower and upper percentiles used to defined a global envelope for the time series. Values outside of this envelope are removed. :param n_jobs_io: Number of parallel jobs to read/write raster files. :param verbose: Use ``True`` to print the progress of the gapfilled. Examples ======== >>> from eumap import gapfiller >>> >>> # For a 4-season time series >>> ssa = gapfiller.SSA(fn_files=fn_rasters, season_size=4) >>> data_ssa = >>> >>> fn_rasters_ssa = ssa.save_rasters('./gapfilled_ssa', dtype='uint8', save_flag=False) References ========== [1] `Pyts SingularSpectrumAnalysis <>`_ """ def __init__(self, fn_files:List = None , data:np.array = None, season_size:int = 4, max_gap_pct:int = 0.8, ltm_resolution:int = 5, window_size:int = 4, ngroups:int = 4, reconstruct_ngroups:int = 2, outlier_remover:OutlierRemover = None, std_win:int = 3, std_env:int = 2, perc_env:list = [2,98], n_jobs_io = 4, verbose = True ): super().__init__(fn_files=fn_files, data=data, outlier_remover=outlier_remover, std_win=std_win, std_env=std_env, perc_env=perc_env, n_jobs_io=n_jobs_io, verbose=verbose) self.season_size = season_size self.max_gap_pct = max_gap_pct self.ltm_resolution = ltm_resolution self.window_size = window_size self.ngroups = ngroups self.reconstruct_ngroups = reconstruct_ngroups def gapfill_ltm(self, ts_data, season_size=12, agg_year=5): ts_size = ts_data.shape[1] agg_size = (season_size * agg_year) i_list = [ (i0, (ts_size if (i0 + agg_size) > ts_size else (i0 + agg_size))) for i0 in range(0,ts_size,agg_size) ] arr_ltm = [] for i0, i1 in i_list: ts_year = ts_data[0, i0:i1].reshape(-1, season_size) if self._perc_gaps(ts_year) == 1.0: ts_ltm = np.empty((i1 - i0)) ts_ltm[:] = np.nan else: ts_ltm = bc.nanmean(ts_year, axis=0) repetions = int((i1 - i0) / season_size) ts_ltm = np.tile(ts_ltm, repetions) arr_ltm.append(ts_ltm) ts_ltm = np.concatenate(arr_ltm).reshape(ts_data.shape) return ts_ltm def _all_nan(self, data): return np.all(np.isnan(data)) def _perc_gaps(self, data): return np.sum(np.isnan(data).astype('int')) / data.flatten().shape[0] def _ssa_reconstruction(self, data): ts_data = data.reshape(1,-1).astype('Float32') ts_flag = np.zeros(ts_data.shape) if self._all_nan(ts_data): return np.stack([ ts_data.reshape(data.shape), ts_flag.reshape(data.shape) ], axis=1) na_mask_initial = np.isnan(ts_data) ts_gapfilled = ts_data.copy() n_years = int(ts_gapfilled.shape[1] / self.season_size) if self._perc_gaps(ts_gapfilled.flatten()) <= self.max_gap_pct: for year in range(self.ltm_resolution, n_years, self.ltm_resolution): ts_gapfilled_y = self.gapfill_ltm(ts_data, season_size=self.season_size, agg_year=year) gapfill_mask = np.logical_and(np.isnan(ts_gapfilled),~np.isnan(ts_gapfilled_y)) ts_gapfilled[gapfill_mask] = ts_gapfilled_y[gapfill_mask] gapfill_mask = np.isnan(ts_gapfilled) if self._perc_gaps(ts_gapfilled) == 0: break if self._perc_gaps(ts_gapfilled.flatten()) < 1.0: gapfill_mask = np.isnan(ts_gapfilled) ts_mean = bc.nanmean(ts_gapfilled) ts_gapfilled[gapfill_mask] = ts_mean ssa = SingularSpectrumAnalysis(window_size=self.window_size, groups=self.ngroups) ts_components = ssa.fit_transform(ts_gapfilled) ts_reconstructed = np.sum(ts_components[0:self.reconstruct_ngroups,:], axis=0) ts_flag[na_mask_initial] = 1 return np.stack([ts_reconstructed.reshape(data.shape), ts_flag.reshape(data.shape)], axis=1) def _gapfill(self): result = parallel.apply_along_axis(self._ssa_reconstruction, 2, return (result[:,:,:,0], result[:,:,:,1])
[docs] class InPainting(ImageGapfill): """ Approach that uses a inpating technique [1] to gapfill raster data using neighborhood values. :param fn_files: Raster file paths to be read and gapfilled. :param data: 3D array where the last dimension is the time. :param space_win: Radius of a circular neighborhood of each point inpainted that is considered by the algorithm. :param data_mask: 2D array indicating a valid areas, equal 1, where in case of gaps should be filled. :param mode: Inpainting method that could be cv::INPAINT_NS or cv::INPAINT_TELEA [1] :param outlier_remover: Strategy to remove outliers. :param std_win: Temporal window size used to calculate a local median and std. :param std_env: Number of std used to define a local envelope around the median. Values outside of this envelope are removed. :param perc_env: A list containing the lower and upper percentiles used to defined a global envelope for the time series. Values outside of this envelope are removed. :param n_jobs_io: Number of parallel jobs to read/write raster files. :param verbose: Use ``True`` to print the progress of the gapfilled. Examples ======== >>> from eumap import gapfiller >>> >>> # Considerer land_mask as 2D numpy array where 1 indicates land >>> inPainting = gapfiller.InPainting(fn_files=fn_rasters, space_win = 10, data_mask=land_mask) >>> data_inp = >>> >>> fn_rasters_inp = inPainting.save_rasters('./gapfilled_inp') References ========== [1] `OpenCV Tutorial - Image Inpainting <>`_ """ def __init__(self, fn_files:List = None , data:np.array = None, space_win = 10, data_mask = None, mode = cv.INPAINT_TELEA, outlier_remover:OutlierRemover = None, std_win:int = 3, std_env:int = 2, perc_env:list = [2,98], n_jobs_io = 4, verbose = True ): super().__init__(fn_files=fn_files, data=data, outlier_remover=outlier_remover, std_win=std_win, std_env=std_env, perc_env=perc_env, n_jobs_io=n_jobs_io, verbose=verbose) self.data_mask = data_mask self.space_win = space_win self.mode = mode def _inpaint(self, data, i=0): # necessary for a proper inpaint execution data_copy = np.copy(data) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', r'All-NaN (slice|axis) encountered') initial_value = np.nanmedian(data_copy) na_data_mask = np.isnan(data_copy) data_copy[na_data_mask] = initial_value data_gapfilled = cv.inpaint(data_copy.astype('float32'), na_data_mask.astype('uint8'), self.space_win, self.mode) return (data_gapfilled, i) def _gapfill(self): data = np.copy( data_flag = np.zeros(data.shape) if self.data_mask is None: self.data_mask = np.ones(data.shape[0:2]) max_workers = multiprocessing.cpu_count() n_times = data.shape[2] args = [] for i in range(0, n_times): if self._n_gaps(data[:,:,i]) > 0: args.append((data[:,:,i], i)) result_set = {} for band_data, i in parallel.job(self._inpaint, args, n_jobs=max_workers): result_set[f'{i}'] = band_data for i in range(0, n_times): key = f'{i}' if (key in result_set): band_data_gapfilled = result_set[key] gapfill_mask = np.logical_and(~np.isnan(band_data_gapfilled), np.isnan(data[:,:,i])) gapfill_mask = np.logical_and(gapfill_mask, (self.data_mask == 1)) data[:,:,i][gapfill_mask] = band_data_gapfilled[gapfill_mask] data_flag[:,:,i][gapfill_mask] = 1 return data, data_flag
[docs] def time_first_space_later( fn_files:List = None, data:np.array = None, time_strategy:ImageGapfill = TMWM, time_args:set = {}, space_strategy:ImageGapfill = InPainting, space_args:set = {}, space_flag_val = 100 ): """ Helper function to gapfill all the missing pixels using first a temporal strategy (``TMWM``, ``TLI``, ``SSA``) and later a spatial strategy (``InPainting``). :param fn_files: Raster file paths to be read and gapfilled. :param data: 3D array where the last dimension is the time. :param time_strategy: One of the implemented temporal gapfilling approaches. :param time_args: A ``set`` of parameters for the temporal gapfilling strategy :param space_strategy: One of the implemented spatial gapfilling approaches. :param space_args: A ``set`` of parameters for the spatial gapfilling strategy. :param space_flag_val: The flag value used to indicate which pixels were gapfilled by the spatial gapfilling strategy. Examples ======== >>> from eumap import gapfiller >>> >>> # For a 4-season time series >>> tfsl = gapfiller.time_first_space_later( >>> fn_files = fn_rasters, >>> time_strategy = gapfiller.TMWM, >>> time_args = { 'season_size': 4 }, >>> space_strategy = gapfiller.InPainting, >>> space_args = { 'space_win': 10 } >>> ) >>> >>> fn_rasters_tfsl = tfsl.save_rasters('./gapfilled_tmwm_inpaint', dtype='uint8', fn_files=fn_rasters) """ time_args['fn_files'] = fn_files time_args['data'] = data time = time_strategy(**time_args) time_gapfilled = time_gapfilled_pct = time._perc_gapfilled(time.gapfilled_data) if time_gapfilled_pct < 1.0: space_args['data'] = time_gapfilled space = space_strategy(**space_args) space_mask = (space.gapfilled_data_flag == 1) time.gapfilled_data_flag[space_mask] = space_flag_val space.gapfilled_data_flag = time.gapfilled_data_flag return space else: return time
except ImportError as e: from .misc import _warn_deps _warn_deps(e, 'gapfiller')